Merci, Hora12reborn.

Jul 19, 2023,06:29 AM

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320,000+ posts. Who . . .

 By: Dr No : July 9th, 2023-20:50
. . . else? You're phenomenal, Nicolas. There's nothing left to say. Art ...  

What an outstanding contribution to this community!

 By: radone : July 9th, 2023-20:53
Thank you, Nicolas! Radu

Thank YOU, Radu.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:44

Amazing. Sometimes I wonder if there’s a bot posting.

 By: John-E-Mac : July 9th, 2023-21:02
I appreciate the dedication and his contributions to our benefit. Salute to our Admiral!!

;) Who knows... ;)

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:44

Nico, you are the man.

 By: Pretty Boy : July 9th, 2023-21:03
Without you, this place wouldn’t be the same. Heartfelt thanks to you for the time and effort you put into WPS. Best, V.


 By: SALMANPK : July 9th, 2023-21:27

Merci, Salman.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:45

Thank you, Ajas.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:45

Every one of them a great read.

 By: Champthekid : July 9th, 2023-21:06
Thank you, Sir!


 By: patrick_y : July 9th, 2023-21:12
It's not fair, he's really 8 humans in one body... And he doesn't sleep! Merci Mon Ami! Merci! Va Dort! S'il vous plait!

Hehehe! :))) J'y vais!

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:46

Congratulations …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : July 9th, 2023-21:13
On reaching this milestone.


 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:47

The passion lives on! Bravo!

 By: Chronometer (aka yacomino) : July 9th, 2023-21:26

Each of us is! ;p

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:47


 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-13:43


 By: gregcarraram3 : July 9th, 2023-21:27
And thank you so very much for all of your hard work and contributions!

Quantity and quality!

 By: KCLQMULKU : July 9th, 2023-21:28
What a feat, and congratulations at this new bar! 🙌


 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-05:49

Thanks for being the “Daddy”

 By: Chicolini : July 9th, 2023-22:22
of this group. I’m sure others agree we all feel better having you at the helm. And we appreciate you so much! Congratulations! And . . . THANK YOU!

look at that

 By: sschew : July 9th, 2023-22:46
either a lawyer or con artist or perhaps both. Looking good in the suit

Most probably both. :)

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:04

The phenomenon, The Soul, The Passion

 By: Gelato Monster : July 9th, 2023-23:19
The absolute. Thank you Nico

The man, the myth, the legend!

 By: Rhyzen : July 9th, 2023-23:41
It does not feel that long ago when we celebrated 200k and 300k..... Kudos to he one and only Nicholas!

Grazie Mille, caro Fab.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:05

Mis felicitaciones amigo Nicolas por este nuevo record!

 By: Subexplorer : July 10th, 2023-00:43
320 K posts!! Realmente Insuperable!! Thank you so much for all the time you devote to our place sharing your passion, knowledge and fine good humour. Please let more K posts coming my dear friend!! Abrazos desde las Pampas del Sud!! Abel

Mil gracias, amigo mio.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:05

Merci, Mach.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:06

Merci beaucoup, Monsieur!

 By: RabidManatee : July 10th, 2023-01:54
You are one of the pillars upon which our community has been built and grows.🍷

Ok, I will. :)))

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:07

Merci, Henry.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:07

Our hero...

 By: bruckner4 : July 10th, 2023-02:17
many thanks!

Hearty ...

 By: Kurt Behm : July 10th, 2023-02:29

Merci, Kurt!

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:08

Huge congrats 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

 By: Watcholic_id : July 10th, 2023-02:43
and thanks for your contribution for this forum, Nico

No words can express our gratitude

 By: Horology75 : July 10th, 2023-04:20
The community appreciates and are indebted to him for his contributions and knowledge sharing . Thanks Nico!

Merci, O.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:09

Thx Nicolas

 By: dedestexhes : July 10th, 2023-04:57

Thank you Dirk.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:09

Merci, Johnny.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:11

:) Thank you, John.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:11

Just pleasure, mon ami.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:11

Thank you, R.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:12

Keeps on rockin´.

 By: LarsG : July 10th, 2023-08:33

I will try... ;)

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:12


 By: keks : July 10th, 2023-09:09
Impressive more impressive every day!!!


 By: keks : July 21st, 2023-16:30
Up to the community to scramble I suppose


 By: amanico : July 21st, 2023-22:06

Nicolas, you're a major driving force

 By: Gabriel80 : July 10th, 2023-09:22
behind the success of this awesome forum. Keep doin' what you're doin'! 🥳

:)))) Merci, Gabriel.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:12

Thank you, Count!

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:13

Thank you, Aris.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:14

You're making it really hard for me to catch up.

 By: TheMadDruid : July 10th, 2023-10:36
We were neck and neck until, oh, I'd say forever.

You’re the best!

 By: TheMadDruid : July 20th, 2023-14:20

In laziness? :))))

 By: amanico : July 20th, 2023-15:06

Well, maybe that too.

 By: TheMadDruid : July 22nd, 2023-10:45


 By: amanico : July 22nd, 2023-14:30

bravo Nico... soon half-a-million !

 By: mahesh : July 10th, 2023-10:51
collectively rest of the purists put together are working to beat your record ;-) way to go mon ami. Cdt, mahesh.,

Knowledge, passion and a good heart

 By: MTR : July 10th, 2023-11:04
(I think I can judge that “virtually” after so many years, maybe a meeting will come about one day?). Dear Nico, you have given me valuable support in my own development as a watch connoisseur and collector. And also led me to some watches (i.e: GP Tourbi... 

Bravo, Nico!!

 By: jack johnson : July 10th, 2023-11:33

Congratulations for this achievement!

 By: jlux : July 10th, 2023-11:54
This forum would not be the same without you !!! Best,Gerard

You are the soul of this site Nico…

 By: myles721 : July 10th, 2023-13:53
Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾!!!

Allez allez!!!

 By: Mary Anny : July 10th, 2023-14:33

Ok, ok! :))))

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:25


 By: vicunaman1 : July 10th, 2023-14:45

Merci, my friend.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:24

A true Rockstar!!!

 By: AlexSunrise : July 10th, 2023-15:24
Thank you, Nico for all your contributions and support over the years! Fuerte abrazo! Alex

I am late to this party...

 By: mdg : July 10th, 2023-15:43
...but congratulations! By the way, who is the handsome guy in the picture?

That I don't know. :)

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:28

Congratulations!! An..

 By: Ronald Held : July 10th, 2023-16:22
Inconceivable amount of posts!

Merci, Ronald.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:28

You are welcome! I wonder..

 By: Ronald Held : July 19th, 2023-16:21
If you are going to use ChatGPT to get to 500K posts?

Which makes it almost..

 By: Ronald Held : July 20th, 2023-16:10
Inconceivable for that high a post count!!


 By: amanico : July 20th, 2023-20:19

 By: hora12reborn : July 10th, 2023-17:19
What a feat and what a devotion! Congratulations and thanks.

Merci, Hora12reborn.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:29

Thank you again !

 By: stabilizer : July 11th, 2023-03:19

That is the definition of piece unique :)

 By: MilDiver : July 11th, 2023-05:16
Still remember the 300k like it was yesterday.

Almost. :)))

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:30

LOL! Excellent.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:28

Ahhh, mon ami…

 By: Mr.Gatsby : July 11th, 2023-17:05
Congrats on 320K posts and how you’ve enriched so many of our collecting experiences with your sharing over the years. Thank you for being a great friend. Best, Gatsby

Congrats!! always enjoy your posts!

 By: Spencer Karrington : July 12th, 2023-11:59

Thank you, Spencer.

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:32

It Is An Amazing Achievement...

 By: elliot55 : July 14th, 2023-17:42
.... Even for someone like Vladmir, who never actually sleeps. Believe me, I know... I've seen the "slumber coffin". With over 320,000 posts, Nic gets credit for my sick love affair with Jaeger LeCoultre. Nobody knows more about Les Gran Mason than our ve... 

Either End Of August...

 By: elliot55 : July 21st, 2023-16:26
... Or middle of September. I will keep you posted, mon ami. - Scott


 By: amanico : July 21st, 2023-17:27

Wow. The legend just keep legend-ing 😂😂

 By: Bounce781 : July 16th, 2023-11:54
Bravo 👏👏👏

LOL. Good one!

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-06:33

Thanks for all what you do!

 By: Darron : July 19th, 2023-04:19
It wouldn’t be the same without you!!

;) ;) ;)

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2023-13:44

B R A V O....

 By: sergio : July 19th, 2023-08:55
a true column of this website. My guy to "go to", for anything I know little or nothing about. I wonder; if the posts were to be printed onto paper, how tall would the stack be? Congratulations, my friend

Merci beaucoup, Huy.

 By: amanico : July 21st, 2023-06:20

All the best to you

 By: VintageAlex (aka KontikiAle) : July 27th, 2023-15:37
My dear friend!!! Greetings from Mexico, you have a friend here and you know it.


 By: VintageAlex (aka KontikiAle) : August 6th, 2023-17:27
For sure, my friend!

Ojala! ;)

 By: amanico : August 6th, 2023-20:39

a cut above others

 By: Jakx : August 6th, 2023-00:01
making forums a bit more interesting, one post at a time

The GOAT now and forever more

 By: Brandon Skinner : August 6th, 2023-21:41

GOAT stands for . . .

 By: Dr No : August 7th, 2023-16:12
. . . G reatest O f A ll T ime.

Wow, that's too much! ;)

 By: amanico : August 7th, 2023-20:39

Call it like I see it👍

 By: Brandon Skinner : August 8th, 2023-04:55


 By: amanico : August 8th, 2023-05:47